A Headless Body Production
Venue: Lancaster Host, Lancaster Pennsylvania.
Event: HMGS's Cold Wars
Players: Don Carter and Phil Gardocki running Anglo Irish
Marc Cribbs and Jim Bisigani running Early Saxon
Game System: Warrior Ancients Doubles Tournament with 2000 points per team, round 2
The Forces:
The Anglo-Irish, Late Period
Commander with + 5 Reg 'B', SHK,Venue: Lancaster Host, Lancaster Pennsylvania.
Event: HMGS's Cold Wars
Players: Don Carter and Phil Gardocki running Anglo Irish
Marc Cribbs and Jim Bisigani running Early Saxon
Game System: Warrior Ancients Doubles Tournament with 2000 points per team, round 2
The Forces:
The Anglo-Irish, Late Period
Ally General with 2 Irreg'B' HK, 3 HC
Monty Python's Knights of the Round Table, 6 Reg 'B', SHK
2 units of Irish Lancers, 6 Irreg 'B', 1/2 HK, 1/2 HC
2 units of Irish Horse, 4 Irreg 'C', JLS, SH
4 units of Galloglaich, 2 with 16, and 2 with 24 Irreg 'B', 1/2 HI, 2HCW, JLS, D
List rule, always fights a rank and half. Can counter charge if willing, can
counter charge impetuously if eager.
2 units of Longbow, each of 24 Reg'D', half HI, 1/2 LB, Sh, half MI, 1/2 LB, unemplaced stakes.
2 units of Bonnachts, 27 Irreg'C' LMI, 1/3 2HCW, JLS, SH, 1/3 JLS, SH, 1/3 JLS
Capable of skirmish, shield wall and barbarian rush rules.
2 units of Kerns Irreg 'C', 1/2 S, SH, 1/2 JLS
Bombards, 1 unit of 2, Reg'C', each with 4 crew.
18 units, 2 commands 1999 points, 21 scouting points
Early Saxon.
OMG, more Dark Age Trash than I can count.
The Board:
Fields, vineyards, woods and a road dominate the board.
The Anglo-Saxon right flank has a lot of smaller units. There is going to be more finesse going on here than the usual Dark Age army. |
Facing all those lighter units is one unit of 4 Light Horse, and a unit of Heavy Knights. And a hidden unit of Light Infantry in the field in the lower right. |
The center is the usual line up. Large masses of foot. Contesting the road maybe? |
The line goes on and on, and ends in some sort of Roman ruin. |
The view from Stonehenge. The CIC is in reserve, along with another unit of Longbow. As the Saxons form shield-wall, the missile fire of the Longbow is fairly useless. |
The Light Horse is going to counter away here. Their job is not to lose here. |
The Saxons have turned the Irish flank with a small Light Horse unit of their own. |
Kern Ramsay can approach and slow the Saxon forces, but doesn't want to engage. |
The Bombards turn for a diagonal shot. If the Light Infantry is forced to recall, this could be unpleasant for the Saxons in shield wall, as they do not count shielded to all shooters. |
A general advance on the right. |
3 Knights charge the Saxon line. The Saxons roll a down 1, and will rout. |
The adjacent Saxon Fyrd shakes in response! Looking good for the Anglo-Irish! |
So the game is split into two parts. Mark's Saxons have a number of lose order foot and lights which are taking advantage of all the vineyards on their side of the board. The Anglo-Irish left is coming unhinged before contact. On the right, this is going to be a nothing subtle slugfest.
The Galloglaich Clan Jordan makes a similar charge, and with similar numbers and only recoil their opponent disordered. |
The Anglo Irish Left is being turned, but the Irish Light Horse is doing their job. 41 points is delaying 6 units. |
After the Light Horse falls, then it is Kern Ramsay's turn to delay. |
Two shield walls line up on each other. |
The Galloglaich Clan Jordan was worn down to exhaustion. |
The Knights of the Round Table have been taken in the rear next. |
Clan Ramsay has a great die roll, an up two. But the Saxon Fyrd matches that die roll and 2 more! |
Clan O'Lyre charges the tired Fyrd. In the rear, the Knights of the Round Table turn, and rout the cavalry that attacked them earlier. |
Kerns in the ruins catch their opposing lights. The Longbow are being brought up. |
Turn 5:
While the Irish Light Horse is destroyed, the Saxons haven't quite broken through. |
Another unit of Irish Nobles go for a cheap shot on a unit of loose order Saxons. They gamble and lose. |
The Bonnachts have a rare win here, routing their opponents. |
At this point the the game was called. One command on each side was broken. And the scoring gave a 4-3 win to the Saxons.
Excellent - thanks for posting these