A Headless Body Production
Venue: Lancaster County Convention Center.
Event: Day 3, Historicon 2024
Theme: Open Tournament, Round 2
Players: Phil Gardocki running Kingdom of Sicily, list 188, circa 1300
Dylan Bright running French Ordinance
Game System: L'Art de la Guerre, 15mm, 200 points per side.
The Forces:
The Kingdom of Sicily are led by King Frederick Tertius, Darrell and Darrell (no relation). All are Competent
10 Medium Knights, 8 Impetuous, 6 Elite
5 Almughavars, Medium spearmen, Impact, 2 Elite
5 Crossbowmen, Light Infantry, Crossbow
2 Jintes, Light Cavalry, Javelin
Breakpoint of 22
French Ordinance scouting report.
Led by undocumented leaders with various qualities
3 Gendarmes, Heavy Knights, Impact, possibly Elite
1 Horse unit, uncertain, could be a Heavy Knight, could be a Medium Cavalry
2 Pikeman, Elite
2 Light Cavalry, Crossbow
5 Medium Sword, Longbow
5 Heavy Sword, Polearm
2 Light Infantry, Crossbow
Display Conventions: When you see a jagged word bubble like "Ouch!", "Merde!", or "Ahi!", this implies a disorder from missiles. Letters in parenthesis represent some value change for the specific unit. For commanders it is s for strategist, b for Brilliant, c for Competent and o for Ordinary, u for unreliable. For troops it is e for Elite, and m for Mediocre. Other abbreviations, Hvy Heavy, XB Crossbow, LB, Longbow, Jav Javelin, 2HW 2 Handed Weapons, B Bow, Kn Knight, HKn Heavy Knight, HC Heavy Cavalry, Md Medium, Sgt Sergeants, LC Light Cavalry, Chr Chariot, Cat Cataphract, Pa Pavise, LI, Light Infantry, HG Hand Gun, FKn Foot Knight, Hvy Spr, Heavy Spearmen.
Inappropriately capitalized words are used to highlight terms that are specific to the game. For example Brilliant, Competent and Ordinary have specific game values for the commanders.
"XX" implies a unit killed in that location on that turn.
Any inaccuracies and vagueness as to specific units is to be regarded as fog of war and part of the fun.
The first picture was too blurry for words, we'll catch up with it later.
The French center is taken by Swiss allies They are a mix of pike and polearm |
The French left has 6 troops of horse, 2 Heavy Knights, 2 Light Horse and 1 uncertain |
Darryl takes the left, with ambushes in the terrain |
Frederick III takes the center with 5 knights |
Darryl's 5 knights are facing the French's 3 + knights. |
The view from the gods |
Turn 1
Well, I think I'll hold the Almughavar command back. Possibly to exploit the plantation as cover. But if the bow armed troops close, the Impact Spear should make short work of them. Fredericks center is in trouble facing equal numbers of pike and halberd armed troops. But Darryl's knights have an edge in a 1 knight over it's French command. But the French have an armor advantage.
The large command of French foot advance, but cannot double march due to the ambush in the field |
The Swiss advance stops at the Sicilian skirmish line |
The French knights advance at the double |
Darryl is in no hurry to be shot at |
Frederick's Jintes charge off the Swiss skirmishers. The Sicilian Crossbowmen are still out of range |
Darrel moves short and slides right |
Turn 2:
With a shortage of command points, the large block of French foot only moves a little. |
The Swiss charge off the Jintes, but pull up short. But in range now to be shot. |
The flower of French chivalry advances |
One surprise revealed. It is hoped the Sicilian lights will hold up the advance of the French for a turn or two |
Frederick's Jintes return to entertain the Swiss |
While Frederick double marches his knights out from the center |
Darrel's knights charge down the line. The French Gendarmes stop them cold. |
A small victory is the trapping of a French light horse.
Also, I am sure now that extra French horse is a knight. A Heavy Cavalry is unlikely to have caused 2 hits on contact.
Turn 3:
The French foot split their line in thrain*. |
The Swiss charge off their harassers. Looking a an empty field in front of them. |
The French bring up their supports and call for Swiss reinforcements. |
The Polearm men fare poorly, but note that not a single Gendarme is disordered.
Darryl summons his ambushes forward. |
Sicilian crossbow score a lucky shot on the Swiss pike. |
The French Gendarmes rout two of Darryl's knights. But his Jintes catch the French lights as they evade |
Turn 4:
A summary. On the left, the Almughavars are now facing a fragmented enemy. In the center, Frederick is no longer looking down the barrel of a Swiss Keel. Even better, the Swiss parsed off a unit, and their exposed corner is disordered.
But on the right, Darryl has lost two knights
French bowmen loose arrows to good effect |
The Swiss keel advances |
The French Gendarmes keep their line in good order
Darryl orders his Almughavars to do what they do best. And perform well, wining 3, losing 1 and tying 1. |
Frederick orders a coordinated charge. And is luckier than he deserves. Beating a Polearm heavy foot and the pike. |
But Darryl's knights lose their third troop |
The Jintes have a choice, come back to reinforce the knights, or race to the enemy camp. The French are at 11 points of 20, ride now for their camp.
Turn 5:
It is Historicon, and time to take some pictures of other tables.
Good looking 25's |
A great layout of what could be Khartoum. |
A dreary, muddy battlefield. Looks like a WWII para-drop game |
The Almughavars trade 1 unit for 2 |
Jintes are brought up to support the right most Almughavar, but to no avail. |
Frederick loses a knight, but routs a pole-armsmen.
Darryl is down to his last knight. But manages to take one out |
This brings the score for the Sicilians to 17 of 22. It's distressing that 11 of those points are knights |
The French are at 16 of 20 |
One Almughavar conforms on a Swiss pole-armsman. |
A Swiss Pike is flanked and destroyed |
Darryl surrounds the leftmost Gendarme, and joins the battle, for a total of +3, but still loses the fight. |
The Jintes raid their first camp, ever, for the win |
First win (narrow though it was) of the weekend 17 to 20
Due to losing or not taking pictures of most of round 3, this will be the last report from Historicon. With apologies to my next opponent, Richard Woolford running Feudal Polish, who convincingly won 22-13.
Here are some of the surviving pictures from turn 5:
Most of the dead horses are my knights |
Turn 5, center of the board. At this point the score was 10-16 in the Polish's favor. |
*in thrain, n, in three, if Shakespeare can make up words, so can I