A Headless Body Production
Venue: On Military Matters Book Store, Hopewell, NJ
Event: Prep for Kozcon
Players: Phil Gardocki running Medieval Polish
Al Kaplan running Medieval Germans
Game System: L'Art de la Guerre, 25mm, 200 points per side.
The Forces:
Medieval Polish: Commanders Larry'ego (Brilliant ), Brother Darrell-em (Competent), and Other Brother Darrell-em (Competent and Unreliable).
4 Winged Hussars, Medium Knight, Impact, elite
2 Followers, Heavy Cavalry, Impact.
4 Strzecly, "Followers", Medium Cavalry, Crossbow
2 Tartars, Light Cavalry, Bow elite.
2 Lithuanians, Light Cavalry, Javelin
2 Serbian Hussars, Light Cavalry, Impact, elite
2 War Wagons, Crossbow
1 Militia, Heavy Spearmen, 1/2 Crossbow
2 Light Infantry, Firearm, 1 elite
Medieval Germans
This is all bare recollections with reminders from the pictures.
3 commanders of uncertain quality
6 Heavy Knight, Impact
1 Heavy Cavalry, Crossbow
6 Free Canton Militia, Medium Spearmen
6 Low Country Pikemen, Mediocre
2 Handgunners, Light Infantry, Handgun
Breakpoint around 21
Display Conventions: When you see a word bubble like "Ouch!" or "Auć!" or "Jaj!", this implies a disorder from missiles. Letters in parenthesis represent some value change for the specific unit. For commanders it is s for strategist, b for Brilliant, c for Competent and o for Ordinary, u for unreliable. For troops it is e for Elite, and m for Mediocre. Other abbreviations, Hvy Heavy, XB Crossbow, LB, Longbow, Jav Javelin, 2HW 2 Handed Weapons, B Bow, Kn Knight, HKn Heavy Knight, HC Heavy Cavalry, Md Medium, Sgt Sergeants, LC Light Cavalry, Chr Chariot, Cat Cataphract, Pa Pavise, LI, Light Infantry, HG Hand Gun, FKn Foot Knight, Hvy Spear, Heavy Spearmen.
Commanders are rated s for Strategist, b for Brilliant, c for Competent, o for Ordinary and u for Unreliable
Inappropriately capitalized words are used to highlight terms that are specific to the game. For example Brilliant, Competent and Ordinary have specific game values for the commanders.
"XX" implies a unit killed in that location on that turn.
The Board:
The Polish win the initiative and elect to attack in the plains.
A pretty blase board. |
The Germans position their Militia on the right. One flank covered by water. The are armed with Spear, and so are resistant to frontal cavalry attacks. |
One of the difference V4 made is Medium Cavalry verses Medium Spear. In V3, Medium Cavalry attacked Medium Spear at a +2. +1 vs Mediums, with a +1 bonus on the first round. Now that bonus is only against LMI and Medium Swordsmen.
The German center command is a force of 6 Pike. On the left are 6 Heavy Knights, and a unit of mounted Crossbow. |
On the far left, the Pole have a force of light horse. Just to tie things up. |
Center left is Brother Darrel-em with 4 mounted crossbow. To tie up the German center. |
The center command has the heaviest weight of Polish cavalry. 6 units of lancers. |
On the far right, Other Brother Darrel-em has the war wagons. |
The German knights have heavier armor than the Polish horse. And two of the Polish units are just Heavy Cavalry, which the German knights have an even more significant advantage.
So here is the plan. The Polish horse on the left and center will shoot and delay the German foot. The Polish center will hold up while the war wagons drive up the side edge, shooting the knights in the flank before contact.
And pray. Lots of praying.
What are the odds? Knight on Knight are dead even. The Polish are Elite, but the Germans have the armor advantage. However, Heavy Knight Impact vs Heavy Cavalry Impact, the Knights will win 91% of the time.
Turn 1:
Darrel-em orders his light horse forward. I don't know why I split them into two groups. Seems like an error now. |
Darrel-em advances with his horse. |
Putting up a good front, Larry'ego orders his lancers forward. His Other Brother Darryl-em double moves his war wagons. |
Facing nought but lights, the German Militia fearlessly advance. |
The Low Country Pikemen advance into a conflict of quarrels. |
The German knights advance cautiously. |
Turn 2:
Faced with an abundance of command points, Brother Darrel-em splits his lights into even more groups! |
It seemed like a good idea at the time. The thought was to pull one back out of charge range, just in case the Lithuanians get run off the board, While the other one would be on the flank of the MI line if they all charged together.
About an instant later, I realized I now had 5 blocks of troops commanded by a Competent commander, and would only be able to command them all on a roll of a 6.
But the main line of mounted crossbow can always move with his personal command point. They advance and loose their bolts into the mass of pikemen. |
Polish knights hold. Sending forth their shooters. |
German Militia charge. Their left most makes an angled charge eliminating the threat of the Serbian Hussars on their flank. |
Low Country Pikemen deal with mounted crossbow in the only way they know how. By advancing at a quick step. |
German Knights run off they harassing Tatars. |
Turn 3:
A couple of lights return to the front. |
Polish Followers charge the isolated German Militia to some success. |
The Tatars return to harass the German knights. |
The LI Firearmsmen see an opportunity to take the camp.
German Militia charge both left and right. But their middle performs a 180 and a wheel to cover a possible break-through. |
For their left most spear has collapsed in the face of Polish cavalry. |
The Pike offers support to their smashed comrade. The remaining pike charge forward. |
Charging pike roll up on the charge, while the mounted crossbow roll short. Closing the gap by a small amount. |
German knights advance save one. They are now in the killing field. |
But as of yet, no knights have been inconvenienced by War Wagon shooting.
Turn 4:
Serbian Hussars see an opportunity and take it. With Impact, Furious charge against Disordered and Mediocre, they score 3 hits on a pike block. |
We missed the rout move into the heavily disordered pike block till later.
The repurposed Trapeziotoi are some of my oldest figures. They have never had a victory like this. |
On the Polish right flank, the first, and last disorder by missiles is caused. |
Case in point here. |
German Militia try to adapt to the cavalry that is both in front and to their rear and flank. Their Light Foot attack the rears of both Lithuanians. |
In the center, reality has caught up with the second pike. |
German knights charge. With Polish Followers now off to the left side of the battle, the Polish knights have their flanks turned immediately. |
The Polish right has a significant victory though. One German knight, already disordered , and unsupported, falls to Polish lancers. |
With the ignoble levy counted, the German break point is now 22.
Knights charge and catch evading lights. Running both of them down. |
Later rules, check . This is not quite what happened. One was destroyed, the other evaded off board.
Turn 5:
Ok, this game is getting exciting. The left is a swirling mass. The center has had unexpected victories with the Serbian Hussars against pike, and the right has advantages to both sides.
The Poles are at 7/6 points towards their break point of 21. |
The Germans are at 11 (actually 12) of 22 of their break point. |
One Lithuanian horse is destroyed. The other turns and faces his Light Infantry in the rear. |
The Serbian Hussars do it again! |
*Translated, "That's Three!"
A Winged Hussar has been defeated. |
Light puffs of smoke from the war wagons. |
I think they packed bullion cubes instead of gunpowder this day.
German Militia turn to face their threats to the rear. |
The Low Country surround a Polish Follower. But fortune favored the fool hardy, and the Follower pulls a win. |
More Polish horse fall. |
These are the best marksmen from the Stormtrooper class of 1450. |
The early Polish lead has dwindled. The Germans are at 16. |
The Polish are at 15. |
Turn 6:
A Militia is flanked and falls. Along with a German light foot. |
Another flank charge on pike. |
Tatars have had enough and break off. A German knight is flanked but holds it's ground. |
The running joke continues. |
The Poles are at 15 |
The Germans are at 17. Actually 19, there is a LI that should be in the pile. |
Lithuanians are charged and evade. |
Extraordinary situation. A Medium Cavalry, surrounded by Pike, but manage to survive. |
Another swirling fight. I am not even sure what is going on here. |
And that was the time limit. The score was 19 of 22 for the Germans, and 17 of 21 for the Polish.
What went wrong?
The Polish lancer force, 4 knights and 2 supporting HC, is just not enough when faced against Heavy Knights. They performed well, but their plan relied on enfilade fire from the war wagons. Which utterly failed. The only hit scored was actually by the Polish Militia 1/2 spear, Crossbow unit, with support from the war wagons. I think I'll replace the HC with more knights. As the HC seem to see disproportionate action, and the knights disproportionate flank attacks.
Also the War Wagon command was led by an unreliable commander. Which is OK if defending, but this army has a initiative of 4, and is likely to attack. I got away with it last tournament, but Other Brother Darrel-em is due for going unresponsive.
The MVP of this game. Destroying 3 pike, and ending the game facing down a fourth. |
War Wagon Rules
Protection: 2, not reduced by LB, CB or Firearms
0 against Incendiaries
Cohesion: 4
Speed: 2, 1 in rough
+0 in hand to hand except:
+2 v Mounted except Ele
+1 v LI
+1 bonus if Battle-Ready
Counts as supported if engaged on it's side by only one enemy unit
-1 if in rough.
+0 shooting. Can only shoot from it's side. Range of 4
Move 2UD
WWG are not on the list of Unmanoeuvrable units. But have their own restrictions.
Wheels are limited to 45 degrees (apologies to all those I have cheated in the past)
When making a quarter turn, a WWG may make a 1 UD move sideways. See page 32 for a diagram.
Becomes Battle-Ready at a cost of 1 CP
On the same turn as going Battle-Ready,
can make a half or quarter turn at a cost of 1 additional CP
Cancels Impact, Javelin and Furious Charge of all except Elephants
Impetuous troops are not required to make an Uncontrolled Charge against WWG
All edges are considered "Front"
WWG are never subject to "Multiple attack"
Corner to Corner enemy units do NOT provide support.
WWG only provides simple support if in position to do so. Never Melee support
Enemy LI can contact WWG frontally, only if it can provide support. Never alone.
WWG cannot be routed as they are destroyed in place, or pursue.
WWG does not exert a ZOC, but are restricted by ZOC
WWG cannot charge. Exception for WWG with blades.
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