A Headless Body Production
Venue: Ferrell Fire Hall, Monroeville, NJ. Sometimes referred to as the Riviera of the Pine Barrens.
Event: Kozcon ADLG organized by Don Manzer.
Players: Phil Gardocki running Medieval Polish (254)
Jim Tobin running Burgundian Ordinance
Game System: L'Art de la Guerre, 200 points per side. Round 1
Scale: 25mm
is held in memory of our good friend and avid gamer Dave Kozlow who
passed away in 2012. If you've ever had the opportunity to play in one
of his many games at HMGS events you know that he was not only a great
person but also a notable credit to our hobby. In light of Dave's five
year battle with cancer ALL proceeds from KozCon are donated to the
American Cancer Society.
The Forces:
Medieval Polish: Commanders Larry (Brilliant ), Brother Darryll (Competent), and Other Brother Darryll (Ordinary)
4 Winged Hussars, Medium Knight, Impact, elite
2 Followers, Heavy Cavalry, Impact.
4 Medium Cavalry, Crossbow
2 Tartars, Light Cavalry, Bow elite.
2 Lithuanians, Light Cavalry, Javelin
2 Serbian Hussars, Light Cavalry, Impact, elite
2 War Wagons, Crossbow
1 Heavy Spearmen, 1/2 Crossbow
2 Light Infantry, Firearm, 1 elite
Burgundian Ordinance
Commanders are a Brilliant and 2 Competents
2 Heavy Knight, Impact, one Elite
1 Light Horse, Impact
1 Light Horse, Crossbow
3 Pikemen, 2 are Mediocre
1 Knight on Foot
4 Heavy Spearmen 1/2 Longbow
2 Crossbowmen Pavise
2 Light Infantry, Crossbow
1 Heavy Cavalry, Impact
3 Medium Swordsmen, Longbow
Breakpoint around 20
Display Conventions:
When you see a word bubble like "Ouch!" or "Auć!" or "Jaj!", this
implies a disorder from missiles. Letters in parenthesis represent some
value change for the specific unit. For commanders it is s for
strategist, b for Brilliant, c for Competent and o for Ordinary, u for
unreliable. For troops it is e for Elite, and m for Mediocre. Other
abbreviations, Hvy Heavy, XB Crossbow, LB, Longbow, Jav Javelin, 2HW 2
Handed Weapons, B Bow, Kn Knight, HKn Heavy Knight, HC Heavy Cavalry, Md
Medium, Sgt Sergeants, LC Light Cavalry, Chr Chariot, Cat Cataphract,
Pa Pavise, LI, Light Infantry, HG Hand Gun, FKn Foot Knight, Hvy Spear,
Heavy Spearmen.
capitalized words are used to highlight terms that are specific to the
game. For example Brilliant, Competent and Ordinary have specific game
values for the commanders.
"XX" implies a unit killed in that location on that turn.
Not the game for this battle report but it was right behind my seat. That the blue ocean mat catches the eye.
The Board:
event is Kozcon. And I drew Jim Tobin in the first round.
The Burgundians win the initiative and elect to attack in the plains.
In my practice games, the "Other Brother Darryl" was Competent and Unreliable. I thought that was a mistake, as he was way over due for that '1' roll and going unresponsive. So I changed him to just Ordinary at zero points. What I didn't realize was this lowered my initiative to 3 from 4, and I really wanted this army to attack.
It was a decision that would come back to bite me. Not this game though. Jim just plain out rolled me, initiative of 4 or not.
1491 AD, Saturday, near dawn.
The Burgundian right flank is loaded with various missile troops
Their center is mainly close combat troops of knights and pike, supported by heavy spearmen with longbow.
Their left has most of their horse, a knight, a cavalry and 2 light horse.
The Polish left is a force of 4 troops of horse. Serbians with lance, Lithuanians with Javelins, and massed mounted crossbowmen.
Larry is in the center with 6 units of lancers, 4 of which are regarded as knights.
While Other Brother Darryl holds the right flank with war wagons.
On the far left flank, across 8 UD's of water, a large tribe of Gauls are preparing to defend their lands.
They are facing a full legion of Romans, well supported by Auxillia.
On the right, 100 Years War English.
Facing Medieval Hungarians.
After taking a few gratuitous photos, it is time for
turn 1: |
The Burgundians advance across the board.
What they lack in subtlety, they make up for with consistency.
Not much choice for the Poles. They send forth the Lithuanians. If the Burgundian right flank doesn't have anyone to face, then in theory, the Polish should be able to concentrate on their center and left.
The elite Tatars advance and take a hit.
The Firearmsmen advance and fire, to no avail.
Normally LI getting close to LC in the open is a death sentance, But they have Polish Hussars to their rear to run through.
Turn 2:
The Lithuanians are trapped! But extreme good fortune keeps them alive.
Better luck than I deserve. My very first move of the day was a bonehead.
The Tatars take a second hit and is dispersed. It is not looking like a good day.
Light horse charge, light foot flee, retiring behind the Knights Czerwoni i Biali
With a the assistance of a charge by the surviving Tatar, the Burgundian Light foot is sent scurrying away. Allowing the Lithuanians to disengage.
Polish lancers advance.
Lights trade shots.
Turn 3: |
The skies darken. But Serbian Hussars and an escaped Lithuanians are destroyed.
Return fire from the Polish Mounted Crossbow proves ineffective
The Burgundian lights withdraw, to be replaced by two troops of lancers.
The last Lithuanian is destroyed.
The wounded line of Polish lancers hold for some rallies.
Two Polish lancers go for position.
Turn 4: Win lose or draw, this game is not going the distance.
Jim breaks out his 60mm measuring square, casting a spell on our dice.
The last left flank guard is the elite Tatars. They are shot at with +3, but avoid being disordered.
The Burgundian center right charges off the Polish mounted crossbowmen. Their center looses more arrows.
Burgundian knights cover their battle on foot's left flank.
The Polish Knights, Rycerze Żółci i Zieloni, charge to the rear into the enemy knights to good effect. |
On the right, both knights Czerwoni i Biali charge. One is pushed back, but the other routs his opponent on contact.
This is just putting "Lipstick on a pig." The Polish army has sustained 10 missile hits before contact. That alone takes it to just under 50% it's break point before it begins to fight. The score is currently 12 - 4.
Turn 5:
The Polish camp is burning. For all their bravery, the Knights Żółci i Zieloni are destroyed.
The engaged Polish lancers have their flank turned.
The knights battle on the right grind on.
Darryl is attempting to regroup his command.
But that will be the game. The Poles hit their break point of 21. 4 for the camp, 11 in light horse, 5 against their knights, 1 from their light foot. The Burgundians managed a last minute rally for a final score of 21 to 3.
What went wrong?
First, the army design. What punch power this army has, is not enough. And the army has no answer to the heavy spear/longbow foot littering the Burgundian line.
Second, a total mismanagement of the lights. Lights have several missions. The first is to suck up missiles aimed at the knights. Fail of that account. Second is to get around the flanks and harass the enemy. Fail on that account. All my lights did was provide plenty of targets for the massed bowfire of the enemy.
This combined with an opponent that played a perfect game. The only brief victory the Poles had was the result of a 6-1 dice off. Not to any tactics.
Summary of war wagon rules:
Protection: 2, not reduced by LB, CB or Firearms
0 against Incendiaries
Cohesion: 4
Speed: 2, 1 in rough
+0 in hand to hand except:
+2 v Mounted except Ele
+1 v LI
+1 bonus if Battle-Ready
Counts as supported if engaged on it's side by only one enemy unit
-1 if in rough.
+0 shooting. Can only shoot from it's side. Range of 4
Move 2UD
WWG are not on the list of Unmanoeuvrable units. But have their own restrictions.
Wheels are limited to 45 degrees (apologies to all those I have cheated in the past)
When making a quarter turn, a WWG may make a 1 UD move sideways. See page 32 for a diagram.
Becomes Battle-Ready at a cost of 1 CP
On the same turn as going Battle-Ready,
can make a half or quarter turn at a cost of 1 additional CP
Cancels Impact, Javelin and Furious Charge of all except Elephants
Impetuous troops are not required to make an Uncontrolled Charge against WWG
All edges are considered "Front"
WWG are never subject to "Multiple attack"
Corner to Corner enemy units do NOT provide support.
WWG only provides simple support if in position to do so. Never Melee support
Enemy LI can contact WWG frontally, only if it can provide support. Never alone.
WWG cannot be routed as they are destroyed in place, or pursue.
WWG does not exert a ZOC, but are restricted by ZOC
WWG cannot charge. Exception for WWG with blades.
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