Tuesday, December 24, 2024

An Assonance of A's in Tlaxcala

A Headless Body Production

Venue: Wyndom Lancaster Resort, nee' Lancaster Host
HMGSs' Fall In(tm) Medieval Theme 15mm tournament, Round 2
Mark Cribbs running Tlaxcala
Phil Gardocki, running Samurai, list 221
Game System:
L'Art de la Guerre, 15mm, 200 points per side.

10 Fun Flower Facts for National ...
Published on Christmas Eve!

Contrary to what you heard.  Poinsettia's are not toxic to humans or animals.  All this stemmed from a report in 1919 of a child dying after eating a single leaf.  Later the report was rebuked as "something I heard."  But the toxic status persisted till the 90's.  One test gave rats the equivalent of 500 leaves and no fatalities.  Calls to the poison control centers about eating poinsettias have a 92% no effect, 3.5% some discomfort.  No fatalities. 

And now, on to the feel good battle report of the season!

The Forces:
The Samurai commanders the Brilliant Larry-san, his Competent brother Darryl-san, and their other brother Darryl-san, who is Ordinary, Unreliable, and Included.
2 Heavy Cavalry, Bow, Elite
2 Light Cavalry, Bow, Elite
5 Samurai, Heavy Sword, 2HW, Elite
6 Samurai, Medium Sword, bow, 2 Elite
3 Peasant Bowmen, Mediocre
2 Peasants armed with Naginata, Medium sword, Mediocre
3 Light Infantry, Bow
1 Stampeding Cattle, played as a Scythed Chariot
2 Levy

The Tlaxcala are led by the Infamous Cortez, a Strategist, and his allied commanders, Xicotencatl (hear after referred to as "Xi", because I'll be damned if I have to type Xicotencatl over and over again. And where are the syllable breaks in that name? Speak ENGLISH!) the Competent. His other allied commander, Chichimecateucatlii (don't get me started...) is Ordinary
1 Mounted Conquistador, Heavy Knight Impact, Elite
2 Conquistadors, Heavy Swordsmen, Armor, 2HW, Elite
2 Conquistador Crossbowmen, Crossbowmen, Pavise, Elite
2 Conquistador Handgunners, Light Infantry, Firearm, Elite
2 Chinantec Levies, Pikemen, Mediocre
2 Totomac Levies, Medium Swordsmen, 1 Mediocre
2 Tlaxcala Knights, Medium Sword, Impact, Elite
4 Tlaxcala Warriors, Medium Sword, Atlatl
4 Tlaxcala Bowmen, 1/2 Medium Sword, 1/2 Bow
3 Tlaxcala Slingers
Breakpoint of 24

I know next-to-nothing about the Tlaxcala and did a little googling around. All the articles I see have the spelling as Tlaxcala, and not Texcala. I'll use the real and true spelling, as defined by the Great Google, and not the obviously flawed Euro reasoned out spelling in the book.

Display Conventions: When you see a jagged word bubble like "Ouch!", "ああ!", "Chichisoaitskuintli tonalisko", this implies a disorder from missiles. Letters in parenthesis represent some value change for the specific unit. For commanders it is s for strategist, b for Brilliant, c for Competent and o for Ordinary, u for unreliable. For troops it is e for Elite, and m for Mediocre. Other abbreviations, Hvy Heavy, XB Crossbow, LB, Longbow, Jav Javelin, 2HW 2 Handed Weapons, B Bow, Kn Knight, HKn Heavy Knight, HC Heavy Cavalry, Md Medium, Sgt Sergeants, LC Light Cavalry, Chr Chariot, Cat Cataphract, Pa Pavise, LI, Light Infantry, HG Hand Gun, FKn Foot Knight, Hvy Spear, Heavy Spearmen.

"XX" implies a unit killed in that location on that turn.

Inappropriate capitalization is for words that have a specific meaning in the game.

Any inaccuracies and vagueness as to specific units is to be regarded as fog of war and should be considered as part of the fun.

The Board:

Cortez wins the initiative and elect to attack in the plains.

"Chi" deploys on Cortez's right with a large force of atlatl armed warriors
A suggestion to Mark to upgrade his camp to burning ships...
Xi takes the left with bow and swordsmen. 
Larry-san take the left flank.  With forces hidden in the plantation.

His brother Darryl-san with a herd of cattle and newly impressed levies take the center.

His other brother, Darryl-san, also has hidden troops in the plantation on the hill

Turn 1:
Chi orders his forces forward

While Cortez spits his command in several parts.  Some advance more than others.  Probably due to command point limitations.  He is only a strategist you know.

Xi looks to his right, and stays lined up with Cortez.

Larry has a minimalist approach to this battle.  He orders his lights forward to slow down the Tlaxcala

Another command point is allocated to his skirmishing light foot.

Darryl-san stays back, smelling the cow farts.

The remainder of his forces chill out roasting sushi over an open fire.

Turn 2:

Chi holds up his line.  I really thought the photo was just a copy of turn 1's.

Two volleys of the Spanish crossbows disperse the Japanese skirmishing horse.

The smell of maki fill the air, drawing Xi's forces forward.

Larry-san orders his ambush forward, taking advantage of the range of the bow over the atlatl.

 *translated as "Son of a female dog in heat.".

Larry-san orders his heavies forward.

Tlaxcala and Samurai shafts fill the air.  Many units are disordered despite the Japanese being -1 for shooting from under cover or the Tlaxcala shooting into cover!

*see above..

Turn 3:
On the next turn, Japanese archery is totally ineffective.

Cortez lines up his swordsmen and Chinantec Levies.  Advancing his knights and crossbowmen just a tad*.

The Tlaxcala storm of arrows continue.

*translated from Nahuatl as "Rally."


Samurai archers find their targets.

Japanese skirmishers are recalled.

Xi's archers are triumphant!

Turn 4:
Chi attempts two rallies.

Cortez tires of the randomness of the missile exchanged and advances his more numerous melee troops.

He recalls his crossbowmen to safety.  Xi is content to continue the arrow storm.

Larry-san orders his horse to a reserve position.

The idea is to pull them to the center to support the attack of his main line.

 Good thing too.  His initial assault did not go well.  Losing 4 and tying just one battle on contact.

Darryl-san also launches an assault, and fairs better results.

It's not looking good.  The Samurai are at 16 of 24.

To just 8 for Cortez.

Turn 5:
Chi pours out of the field to join the battle.

Conquistador knights chase the mounted Samurai.  Spanish Crossbowmen return to the field.  Xi's Tlaxcala warriors melt before Samurai katanas.

The Samurai score is 21 of 25.

To just 12 of 24 for Cortez.

The view from overhead.  Mounted Samurai enter combat, but are held up, and fail to save their Naginata armed peasantry.

The herd of cattle is stampeded.  The cows find a gap in the lines and disperse.

The Samurai are holding on at 23

Cortez's army is at 16.
Turn 6:
Darryl-san's trade looses

Chinantec Levies, having defeated a Samurai heavy foot, turn and destroy another.

Pretty much locking down Cortez's victory.  Darryl-san manage to secure another point.

Taking Cortez to 18, for a comfortable win.

*tad, an unquantifiable tiny amount.  Named after Thadius Tad, 1892 to 1957 for his tiny penis.


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