Monday, December 19, 2022

A Glut of Gauls

A Headless Body Production
Venue: Maplewood Hobby
Event: LouCon: Round 2
Players: Phil Gardocki running Gauls
               Jay Stone running Gauls, but not the good one's ;)
Game System: L'Art de la Guerre, 15mm, 200 points per side.

The Forces:Gallic list 90
The Gauls are led by by the Cassius Ceramix, the competent, Justforkix, the competent, and Uptotrix, the ordinary and included. See here if you are interested...
17 Warriors, Heavy Sword, Impetuous, some Elite
5 Warriors, Medium Sword, Impetuous
2 Light Foot, Javelin
2 Light Chariots, Javelin
1 Light Horse, Javelin
Breakpoint of 27

Gallic list 90
The Gauls are led by by the Asterix, the competent, Obilix, the competent, and Bastardix, the unreliable, ordinary and included. See here if you are interested...
12 Warriors, Heavy Sword, Impetuous
6 Warriors, Medium Sword, Impetuous
3 Light Foot,  Bow
3 Light Foot, Javelin
3 Light Chariots, Javelin, Elite
2 Light Horse, Javelin
1 Levy, Mediocre
Breakpoint of 30

Display Conventions: When you see a word bubble like "Ouch!", "Autsch!" or "Ahi!", this implies a disorder from missiles. Letters in parenthesis represent some value change for the specific unit. For commanders it is s for strategist, b for Brilliant, c for Competent and o for Ordinary, u for unreliable. For troops it is e for Elite, and m for Mediocre. Other abbreviations, Hvy Heavy, XB Crossbow, LB, Longbow, Jav Javelin, 2HW 2 Handed Weapons, B Bow, Kn Knight, HKn Heavy Knight, HC Heavy Cavalry, Md Medium, Sgt Sergeants, LC Light Cavalry, Chr Chariot, Cat Cataphract, Pa Pavise, LI, Light Infantry, HG Hand Gun, FKn Foot Knight, Hvy Spear, Heavy Spearmen.

"XX" implies a unit killed in that location on that turn.

The weather is good.

Maplewood Hobby  Specializes in many hobbies, including Historical Miniature Wargaming and Hobby Paints with hundreds of colors always in stock.


As a civil war, the narrative may be confusing as to which sides troops are being described with direction and intent.  Consider this part of the fun.

Also of note, going back through this battle frame by frame, I noticed a number  mistakes made.  Mainly to do with impetuous troops doing, or not doing, something they should have.  Both players were guilty of this.

To that end, the Gauls win the initiative and elect to attack!

By what will later be called the River Siene, a major tribe of Gauls form up.

Off in the distance, allied Gauls line up.

After they pick some grapes from the near by vineyard.

Asterix as arisen early to incentivize his troops.

Obelix, who hasn't been to bed yet, forms up on his right.

But Bastardix is nowhere to be seen.  Is he on a flank march or in ambush?

A horde of screaming warriors race down the rivers edge.

Their charioteers abandon their supports and head away.

Another screaming horde runs across the field.

Chariots in a gully?  Anything can be done once.

Asterix push his tribes forward.

Obilix also advances.

Win, lose or draw, this game is not going the time limit.

The Gallic horde by the river only advances a little, keeping advantage of the hill position

With no flank march to intercept, the Gallic Charioteers return to the field

Asterix charges fully.  His tribesmen pays a heavy price for his impetuousness.

Obilix's mediums also charge, winning one and losing one.

Rules note here.  Impetuous foot lose their impact against swordsmen, unless they are also impetuous.

Turn 3:

Three tribes charge one, but luck favors the bold.  

The missing casualty marker will be in the followup photos.

Bastardx offers a flank to the warriors on the hill, but they are not taking the bait.

They have a high ground seat as their fellow Gallic warriors totally trash Asterix's line

Obilix's main line charges.  They are having better luck than Asterix, having losing only 2-1!

There is that casualty marker.  A dead Gaul on the right.

In what will be a series of blurry photos, Bastardix's chariots loose javelins up the hill

Asterix's tribesmen are down to a third their deployed size.

Obilix's, though disordered down the line, continue to fight.

His lighter and faster troops providing the only bright spot on this gloomy day.

At the bottom of the third, Asterix's Gauls have 14 points towards their demoralization level of 30. 

Turn 4
The bad Gauls are at 9 of 27.

Nothing new here. 

The Gauls on the hill can be patient.  The chariots will soon be flanked with forces finishing off Asterix's command.

Not much different here either.

In what is possibly an illegal move, this impetuous tribe does not charge, but zooms past a legal target.

I'm not picking on Jay here, I have seen several cases of breaking the impetuous rules on both sides here.

A hit on the hill, but not enough to force them off.

Asterix's command is down to 2 tribes of warriors, one just received a flank charge.

While Asterix joins the last one.

Luck runs both ways.  Impetuous tribesmen hit an enemy rear, an lose.

The good Gauls are now at 23 towards their demoralization level of 30.  I don't know where the bad Gauls are, but not much more than the 2 or 3 above the 9 reported earlier.

Turn 6:

After stopping for take away at the near by Swarma drive through, the Bad Gauls Charioteers finally get into range.
Their middle command advancing on Asterix's camp

Obilix has put up a good fight, and has some victories, but not enough.

On the far right, despite disordered and unsupported, Obilixes Mediums push back their foes.

The good Gauls are now at 26 towards their demoralization level of 30. 

The other Gauls are 8 points dead, and and about 7  wounded.

Make that 10 points dead, and 7 wounded

A sudden flank charge! 

While Obilix sets up two more flank charges for next turn.

Turn 7
(Who would have thought it would have gotten to this far):
Enemy chariots charge.  Gallic Light horse stand, and win the impact, causing 2 levels of cohesion.

Its just Light Chariot +1 to Light Horse 0, +1 Javelin.  So a fair fight overall.

Asterix (center) pulls a win with his flank charge, but Obilix loses another tribe.

Asterix is at 27 of 30

The other Gauls are at 20

Not a lot of decisiveness here.

Gallic spear chuckers score a hit.

Obilix pulls off a double flank charge, destroying 2 tribes.

Forcing the enemy war band leader to flee to the last warriors standing.

Turn 8:

Both sides are near breaking, Asterix is only 3 away from demoralization
Here is two of them  a missile disorder on a chariot, and a dead light horse.

A charge towards the camp. 

And there is the third, Asterix's last warband.

Obilix destroyed one more warband as well.  Taking the enemy Gauls to 25. 

For a moment, we thought I captured the commander on the right, as he had no friends within 5 UD's, but then we remembered that light infantry supporting the fight. 





  1. So who won? Taking the enemy to 25 did not break their army point of 27. The narrative sort of breaks in the middle. Was it a draw?

  2. Holy Crap, how did I miss that? My opponent won, but it was a near thing. If I had captured his commander it would have been a tie.
