A Headless Body Production
Venue: A Undisclosed Basement
Event: Live!
Players: Steve Turn running Persephone, Orion, a few Harpies and the hordes of Hades
Phil running Pan, Heracles and Andromeda
Game System: Mythic Battles: Pantheon, produced by Monolith. 16 points on a side
The Forces:
Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, brings her personal Infernal Artilleymen, and allied with Orion, Oedipus, Pandora, the last Harpies and a semi tamed Calydonian boar.
Pan with his Satyrs ally with Hercules and Andromeda, a cohort of Hoplites, the last (and next) tamed Phoenix and the monstrous Campe
The Board:
A dark and foreboding swamp. Very Mythic
The game is about the aftermath of the fall of Olympus. With the gods trying to regain their immortality and divinity.
The Line up.
We have Phoenix, Satyrs, Hoplites, Campe, Hercules, with Pan in the back ground. |
Badly over exposed photo of Campe, Hercules and Andromeda with her chains. |
The game starts with a box rush of Hoplites to secure a sacred omphalos |
Omphalos are fragments of divinity left over after Olympus was over thrown. Created from fragments of the sacred mountain and bound with remnants of lesser gods. The objective of the game is for your god to absorb 4 of them and regain their divinity.
Persephone, ascends from the underworld with her pet pig. |
She is joined by Oedipus |
Hercules clears the edge of the woods and takes a position from on high. |
He his joined by his current consort, Andromeda. |
The players have a deck of cards that allow them to activate their pieces. Each piece can have from 3 -5 cards in the deck. So it is difficult to make a concerted effort with a single god or hero.
Pan arrives and bolsters his Satyrs. In the middle of the swamp, the Calydonian boar digs up an Omphalos with its skilled truffle hunting snout. |
The Phoenix makes a 3 point landing. |
Using a combination of Phoenix cards drawn with an Art of war card, the Phoenix flies in and out with an Omphalos, delivering it to Pan
Making a quick run in and out of the swamp, the Satyrs deliver another Omphalos to Pan. |
Art of War cards give the players additional options. Using one can activate a special power unique to a god or hero, draw two additional cards, take an extra turn, or search your deck for the one card you need.
Persephone and Oedipus take possession of one Omphalos, The Boar delivers his to her as well. While Orion heads for another. |
Unphotographed was action around the Hoplites. I failed over and over to draw a card that would let them retrieve the Omphalos. Eventually they were attacked by Harpies, which killed 3 of them. Hercules, who was standing overwatch, then spent an Art of War card, and threw mighty trees into the fray. Slaying both Harpies and men.
Satisfied with his work, Hercules lets Campe retrieve the Omphalos |
Persophone cannot let that stand and advances to attack the Campe. But it was a trap. Andromeda has two special abilities in play. The first is she can take a hit, deflecting Persephones attack, then Andromedas chains are thrown upon Persephone, immobilizing her until they can be broken.
Leaving Campe free to deliver the 4th Omphalos to Pan for the win. |
The figures are gorgeous, the photos do no justice to Steve's paint jobs. he game is a lot of fun. Each God, Hero, Monster and Minions have different skills that can be brought into play. Like with Andromeda in the end. She had not seen the table yet, so neither of us knew her abilities. When I read them I thought this is great, I'll have her escort Hercules. He'll act as overwatch throwing trees or ruins at the enemy, and she'll take any hits thrown his way. | | |
Pan has a private guard of Saytrs that can act as skirmishers. Pandora, who is barely visible upper right, opened her box and half my hand had to be discarded. Gone were my plans for the next 3 turns. Persephone can inflict nature on an area, reducing movement, while allowing her forces to move faster. Orion, Hercules and the Calydonian Boar can throw heros to another area, and cause them to drop the omphalos if they have it. |
Great battle report sir -