A Headless Body Production
Venue: A Completely Different Undisclosed Basement
Event: Live!
Players: Phil running Sassanid Persian
Steve Turn running Justinian Byzantine
Game System: L'Art de la Guerre, 15mm, 200 points per side.
The Forces:
Justinian Byzantine(list 125)
Commanders, The Sneaker Brothers, Nikephoros, Adidasphoros and Pumaphoros, all Brilliant
3 Boukellarioi, Heavy Cavalry, Impact and Bow, Elite
6 Kavallarioi, Heavy Cavalry, Bow
3 Huns, Light Cavalry, Bow, Elite
3 Skutatoi, Heavy Swordsmen, Missile Support
3 Isaurians, Javelinmen
1 Psiloi, Light Infantry, Sling
Breakpoint of 19
Sassanid Persian (list 109)
Commanded by the Sweater Brothers, Kardarigan, Competent, Kashmir, Competent, and Akrylik, Ordinary.
2 Nobles, Heavy Cavalry, Bow, Elite
6 Asavaran, Heavy Cavalry Bow
4 Arabs, Light Cavalry, Bow
3 Elephants
2 Daylami, Medium swordsmen, Impact, Elite
1 Light Infantry, Sling
2 Light Infantry, Bow
2 Levy
Breakpoint of 22
The Board:
The Byzantines win the initiative, by a lot, and elect to attack in the plains.
The Byzantines have two identical cavalry commands, each with 3 heavies, supported by Skuts and The Sassanids have two identical cavalry commands as well, with 4 heavy cavalry and 2 lights. The Byzantine center is a collection of Javelinmen and Skuts, supported by Psiloi and Huns. In the center are 3 Elephant troops, deployed hub to hub.
More appropriately "Dies Jovis" or


in the early Persian Calendar |
Turn 1:
Nikephoros is on the right with 3 Kataphractoi and supporting troops. |
Adidasphoros has a nearly identical command in the center. |
Nikephoros is not playing favorites, as Pumaphoros also has a nearly identical command. |
Kardarigan's command is hiding in the gully. His camp defended by a Levy unit, which will not be mentioned again in this monograph |
His brother Akrylik, holds the center with a massive display of muscle and sinew. |
Kashmir is deployed in rough going. He is not happy, being out numbered, facing enemy on higher ground. |
Kardarigan's plan is to hold the flanks, and run the elephants down the center.
Turn 1:
Seeing nothing in front of him, Nikephoros orders his wing forward. |
Pumaphoros and Adidasphoros' infantry advance to link up against the Sassanid center. Adidasphoros's cavalry diverts out of the elephant path to their right, supporting Nikephoros's forces |
While Adidasphoros's horse claims the high ground. |
Kardarigan's forces climb from the gully to face Nikephoros. |
We can question the logic of giving the unmaneuverable elephants to the weakest brother Akrylik, who is only ordinary, but he only has one job. Go forward and do not stop. |
Kashmir advances. His command ready to flee if the Byzantines decide to charge from the hill. |
Turn 2:
The Byzantines pull off a drill team maneuver that they re so famous for. Flanking Akrylik's elephants while pinning the lights with their heavies |
Byzantine foot advance, with a bit less lockstep. Sling stones and javelins fly! |
First blood to Kashmir's Arabs. |
The Sassanid's warrior culture is steeped in centuries of tradition. They too can do dressage while letting arrows fly. |
One troop of Asavaran challenges the Byzantine Kataphracts threatening Akrylik's Daylami. They flee on cue. The Elephants charge, impacting the Skutatoi, who watch as their Isaurians do a rethink and flee. |
On the hill, the exchange of arrows begins in earnest. |
Turn 3:
On the Byzantine right, arrows also fly. Adidasphoros forms up his cavalry and enters the area. |
The Byzantine center is crumbling more rapidly than expected. The Isaurians return, now able to throw javelins at the uncovered elephants. |
I thought that with the elephants engaged, I would pull their screen would support the flanks of the formation. But the Isaurians fled and returned before the Daylami could destroy their opponents.
By the hill, the missile exchange is favoring the Sassanids |
But on the other side, despite being outnumbered, it is the Byzantine archery proving ascendant |
The white pipe cleaners were placed to tell the commands apart. There will be no more Bette Midler references from here on...
I promise...
Elephants charge again!, Isaurians flee again. But Skuts have been dispersed, and Byzantine center has been penetrated, and is about to be crushed. |
With out their infantry supports, the Byzantine cavalry on the hill is now being infiltrated. |
By the crystal blue waters of the River Styx, the honorable dead await the ferryman. The score is 11 to 5 in favor of the Sassanids |
Turn 4:
Break for lunch. Great hoagies from the local deli. For anyone living outside the Philadelphia area, you don't know what you are missing. New Yorkers have a shot, but otherwise, YOU.HAVE.NO.CLUE how good these are. I have been all around this country. Subway is just a plain sandwich between two slices of cake. And Steak Um's is an abomination.
Belts loosened, and the presidential election results are still vectoring for Biden, arrows continue to rain upon each other. |
Yes, this was THAT week.
Off to the left, Adidasphoros's heavy horse sweep away Kardarigan's heavies covering Akrylik's flank. The flank is open, and the Daylami take their first hit. The Isaurians return again, disordering another elephant. |
Pumaphoros realizes he is standing on a grave yard, and orders a charge! Kashmir stands, and immediately regrets his decision. One Asavaran is run to the ground, another holds on by their teeth. |
More bodies for the ferryman.
The Byzantines have 11 points towards their demoralization level of 19, The Sassanids have 9 points towards their demoralization level of 22 |
All pretense of orderly lines is now gone, we have a swilling cavalry fight! |
Remember, Akrylik only has one order. His elephants charge, and catch an Isaurian, grinding them into paste. |
Another swirling cavalry fight, how Hollywood! |
The points climb slowly, as the Byzantines have 13 points towards their demoralization level of 19, The Sassanids have 10 points towards their demoralization level of 22 |
Turn 5:
On the Byzantine right, superior numbers and command control now dominate the field. Kardarigan is out-numbered, out-flanked and also out "elited", 3-1 |
Akrylik pulls the impossible! he has turned a massive jumbo for a flank charge! His supporting Daylami fight bravely, surrounded by Byzantine cavalry and spearmen. |
On the other side, even though they were outnumbered, Byzantine elan proves superior. Another troop of Asvaran falls |
The Byzantines have 13 points towards their demoralization level of 19, The Sassanids have 11 points towards their demoralization level of 22 |
Kardarigan makes his decision. "I will attack and destroy him, before he does the same to me." His troops are not so motivated. Byzantine lancers penetrate and disorder the Sassanid cavalry, while the Sassanid Nobles hold the flank. |
The Daylami have given their all |
The last Isaurian has been caught, but rebuffs the elephant attacking him. It is not enough however, as the other elephant tramples the Byzantine camp. |
With support from the Arabs on the hill, the Asavarans charge up the hill. Their Nobles, who were pursued in the flank, turn and push back their tormentors. |
I did not think the charge up the hill through.
As is, Asavarans +1 vs HC, +1 Support. Byzantines + 1 vs HC, +1 for hill.
If I charged with just the Arabs, the numbers would have been +0 LC vs HC, +1 for fighting in the rear, +1 for hill vs the Byzantine +1 vs LC + Armor.
Then in the following turn, the Asavarans could charge up the hill with an automatic +1 disorder hit.
Either way you look at it, the both sides took serious losses this turn. Losses the Byzantines can ill afford. The Byzantines have 18 points towards their demoralization level of 19, The Sassanids have 14 points towards their demoralization level of 22 |
An out at any base:
Sassanid Nobles rout, taking an Asavaran heavy horse with them. |
Out of no where, a Adidasphoros's Kavallarioi hits the flank of an elephant. It routs, rampaging through the Skutatoi to it's front. |
Akrylik flees to safety with his slingers. |
On the hill, fortune favors the fools. An Asavaran destroys the Kavallarioi on the hill, while their Nobles hold their ground. |
With the elephant rampaging through the Skutatoi, the final score was 19-15 in favor to the Sassanids.
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