A Headless Body Production
Venue: On Military Matters Bookstore. Owner Operator Dennis Shorthouse
Event: Team practice for the upcoming USA Team Tournament team tourney.
Players: Phil Gardocki running Burmese
Allen Kaplan running Later Crusader
Game System: L'Art de la Guerre, 200 points per side.
Theme: Prep for January's team event
The Forces:
The Burmese, lead by the Kings Narathihapate, Pagan and Pagan, all Competent.
5 Elite Elephants, full fat.
4 Medium Spearmen
5 Bowmen
2 Elite Medium Swordsmen, 2HW
4 Light Infantry, Bow
1 Elite Light Infantry, Firearm
Later Crusader, 2 Brilliants and one unreliable ordinary.
This list is from a previous list, and cannot be considered reliable. But close...
1 Heavy Cavalry, Impact
4 Medium Knights, some impetuous.
12 or so heavy foot, some mixed spear and crossbow.
2 Light Horse
Break point 21
The Scenario:
Only with a time portal would any scenario make sense.
The Board:
The Burmese, with their initiative of 1, lose the the dice off and will defend in the plains. They select two fields, a fielded hill, and a gully. The Crusaders selected a plantation and a road. After the dice had fallen, only one terrain piece is on the side of the defending Burmese.
Richard I, King of England, arrives in field with 4 Knights and some light horse. |
With him is large group of foot, and more hired horse. |
Most of the terrain fell on the Crusader's side of the board. But that probably would restrict the Crusader deployment as well. Which is what seemed to happen. |
King Pagan's smaller command is set in the center. This is to allow for a full 4 units to be placed in ambush in the other King Pagan's command. |
With his supporting infantry in ambush, King Pagan has a brace of elephants visible. |
On defense, you hope to have more than one piece of terrain on your side of the board. But alas, I'll have to make do with one.
To start off the game, the Crusaders unreliable command goes unresponsive. |
King Richard is undaunted, and double moves his knights. |
The Crusader infantry also advances fearlessly. Why not? They have some missiles, are heavies vs mediums, and outnumber their center counterpart 6-4 (ish) |
But maybe, the Crusader Allies have a point. They don't like the terrain, and know there are troops in the Gully, and what is not in the gully is pretty fearsome. |
King Narathihapate advances just enough to get into missile range. |
King Pagan does not advance at all, but his brother King does. |
Turn 2:
Richard I, Count of Anjou and Maine, Duke of Aquitaine and Normandy, King of England, orders his knights to retreat. Leaving is hired horse archers to worry the flanks of the enemy. |
You guys in England can correct me if the Richards titles are not correctly stated.
The Crusader foot halts their advance. |
Richard spent to two command points to prompt their unresponsive command, but to no avail. |
King Narathihapate only has one command point to spend, so he splices off one of his mediums to close the gap against the Crusader lights. |
Kings Pagan and Pagan, move not at all.
Turn 3:
Having got some distance, Richard decides to redeploy behind his lines. The Crusader foot advances as a screen. |
While the unresponsive cavalry command get the point. They are going to move, be it at the point of a lance, or on their own volition. |
King Narathihapate, again with a single command point, decides to take advantage of the Crusader disarray and advances. His bow is within range of the knights, but is out of range to charge the Crusader infantry line. |
King Pagan was also caught napping and rolls a single command point, but also advances, but not fast enough. |
And why should the other King Pagan fair better? With one command point, he reveals his ambush, two bow and two spear. They retreat out of the gully and form up on the up hill side of it. |
Turn 4:
Again, King Richard the Lionheart, orders a retreat of his knights. Two of them had picked up missile hits from Burmese bow. But first blood to the Crusaders as the hired light horse managed to destroy an elephant's runners. |
Crusader crossbow prove accurate as well. |
On the right flank, another Burmese elephant runner is hit. The Crusaders, for having so little missile fire, scored well this turn. |
King Narathihapate orders his spear to distract the light horse, and his line to advance upon the Crusader foot. |
King Pagan rallies his skirmishers, but picks up another missile hit on his bowmen. |
While King Pagan also rallies his skirmisher. He also redeploys his bow for a supported shot on the Crusader light horse. |
Turn 5:
Richard rallies one of his knights, but the other is still disordered. |
Crossbows continue to twang, but with little effect. |
The Crusader Cavalry decides to go for the flank. And picks up a missile hit for their trouble. |
King Narathihapate orders many charges. Crusader lights flee towards their camp. An elephant totally routs their foes. A Burmese spear-man is on the end of the line is fights well against unfavorable lines, but holds his ground. |
On the right flank, King Pagan's elephants charge as well. The Crusader cavalry will have none of it, and evade. Leaving the Crusader foot to face a furious elephant charge. |
A unit of Burmese Bowman line up on their light foot. This reduces their range of bow fire to 1 for firing from, or to, a gully, but provides support if the Crusader light horse decide to charge. The Crusader heavy horse stop to rally their missile hit, but pick up another one instead. |
The Burmese have 5 points towards their break point of 22.
The Crusaders have 7 points towards their break point of 21.
Turn 6:
King Richard sends his disordered knight off till they feel better. And another knight to deal with the elephant penetration of his infantry line. |
His center commander attempts to rally the troops to no avail. Another Crusader foot unit falls, and more elephants are about to hit the line. |
The Crusader Cavalry command realizes it is not going to succeed in flanking the Burmese, and instead moves out of bow arc to support the crumbling center. |
King Narathihapate charges the Crusader knights, converting man, beast, and armor into so much slurry. (It's good to be the king) |
King Pagan also joins the slaughter. Pitting 2 elite 2HW swordsmen against mediocre spears, and routing another heavy spear with his elephants. |
In a moment of exuberance King Pagan orders a charge on the light horse with their bow units. The light horse is unable to evade due to enemy units behind them and hold their ground, and win. |
The Burmese have 6 points towards their break point of 22.
The Crusaders have 14 points towards their break point of 21.
Turn 7:
Richard has ignored the taunts long enough, and decides to pick up points where he can. A disordered medium spear looks like a good target for his knights. |
The line of Crusader Foot is all but destroyed, but with skillful horsemanship, they manage to cut off a Burmese elephant, killing King Pagan as well. |
Crusader Light horse win the day in the gully as well, destroying a Burmese bowmen. |
The last uncommitted elephant charges. Another knight falls. |
The last Crusader heavy foot falls. |
With no command points left, the Burmese right stands and shoots. |
The Burmese have 12 points towards their break point of 22.
The Crusaders have 18 points towards their break point of 21.
Turn 8:
Showing amazing persistence, the hired light horse race around the Burmese spear, and up the rear of an elephant. Scoring a missile hit. |
It is chaos in the center now. The Burmese victors are scattered, creating opportunities for the Crusaders. Crusader heavy horse, charge elite swordsmen and score a hit. |
The remaining Crusader horse retreat to avoid bowfire and attempt to rally. |
Disordered or not, an elephant runs down another knight. |
Chaos works both ways. King Pagan has enough command points to turn an elephant and strike. |
Final shot. |
The final score was 21-14 in favor of the Burmese.
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