Monday, October 7, 2024

A Hinger of Hindus

A Headless Body Production

Venue: Museu de Marinha, Lisbon, Portugal
Event: Day 1, the Lusitania Challenge
Theme: Team Tournament, Feudal Period, Round 3
Players: Phil Gardocki running Kingdom of Sicily, list 188, circa 1300
              Jorge (pronounced "George*") Martins, team Sunicatas de Alpercatas**, running Hindi Indian
Game System: L'Art de la Guerre, 15mm, 200 points per side.

*Yes, George, he was quite clear on that.  Portuguese is pronounced differently from Spanish.

**Google translates "Sunicatas de Alpercatas" as “Espadrilles Sunicatas.”
From the images, possibly this means grassy shoe. 
The Forces:
The Kingdom of Sicily are led by King Frederick II a Strategist, Darrel, who is Competent and Darrel (no relation), Ordinary and Unreliable
11 Medium Knights, 8 Impetuous, Elite, 3 Impact
2 Saracen Swordsmen, Medium Swordsmen
4 Saracen Bowmen, Light Infantry, Bow
2 Sicilian Crossbowmen, Light Infantry, Crossbow
2 Saracen, Light Cavalry, Javelin
2 Saracen, Light Cavalry, Bow
Breakpoint of 23
Hindu scouting report.
Commanders include two included ordinary on elephants
6 Elephants, Elite
2 Heavy Cavalry, Impetuous, Elite
2 Light Horse
6 Medium Swordsmen, possibly impetuous
4 Bowmen
5 Light Infantry, Bow
Display Conventions: When you see a word bubble like "Ouch!" or "Ahi!" or "आउच!", this implies a disorder from missiles. Letters in parenthesis represent some value change for the specific unit. For commanders it is s for strategist, b for Brilliant, c for Competent and o for Ordinary, u for unreliable. For troops it is e for Elite, and m for Mediocre. Other abbreviations, Hvy Heavy, XB Crossbow, LB, Longbow, Jav Javelin, 2HW 2 Handed Weapons, B Bow, Kn Knight, HKn Heavy Knight, HC Heavy Cavalry, Md Medium, Sgt Sergeants, LC Light Cavalry, Chr Chariot, Cat Cataphract, Pa Pavise, LI, Light Infantry, HG Hand Gun, FKn Foot Knight, Hvy Spr, Heavy Spearmen.

Inappropriately capitalized words are used to highlight terms that are specific to the game. For example Brilliant, Competent and Ordinary have specific game values for the commanders.

"XX" implies a unit killed in that location on that turn.

Inappropriate capitalization is for words that have a specific meaning in the game.  

Any inaccuracies and vagueness as to specific units is to be regarded as fog of war and part of the fun.

The Venue

The Museu de Marinha has on display a number of ships from the days of sail. Most seem to have been owned by royalty and nobility. Which explains how they survived. Low usage and money available for upkeep.

 The organizers provided lunch in the form of two submarine style sandwiches. I had one between rounds 1 and 2, and this between rounds 2 and 3.

It is called the Mediterranean. Tomato, basil, cress, mozzarella and capocollo (capicoli?). Provided by the Pastes Bellum restaurant mentioned in an earlier AAR. Variations of this were available throughout Lisbon and Paris.


The Sicilians win the initiative and elect to attack in the plains.

On the Hindu right, a couple of ambushes. Then the first of many, many elephant battle groups.

(I refuse to use the term "death star")

4 more elephant battle groups. I don't recall which Med Swords are impetuous or not, nor which elephants have included commanders. Best guess are the ones with the umbrella's or banners.
And yet, another group. A total of 6 elite elephants, each with 4 points of LI, 120 points in just 6 figures of frontage.
Having no place to hide, Darrel (no relation) will run his Saracens into the near by field.
He should provide excellent flank support for Darrel. Who orders all his knights to dismount.
King Frederick also orders his knights off of their horses save one of his impact knights. It's always a good idea to have a mobile element in the mix.

And even with 96 points spent on just 6 elements, the Hindu have a larger break point than me.

Turn 1:

Darryl (no relation) and Darryl march together in sync.

My thought on dealing with elephants is to take you hit from the pachyderms, and destroy the supports.

King Frederick holds back a bit. He will attack with Darryl's command, and hold the flank.
His lights advance to prevent the elephants from double marching.
The Hindu's reveal their unseen command. It is much bigger than I thought it would be with 2 heavy and 2 light horse.
The Hindu center aggressively advances.
Their archery proves effective

Turn 2:

Darryl orders a general charge. Hoping for a long pursuit. But twas not to be
Frederick advances to a support range of Darryl's flank
Frederick's lights are ordered back to collect themselves
An unmitigated disaster! I thought the ambush troops, were Indian Med. Cav. Mediocre, like in Classical Indian.

But they are Heavy Cavalry, Elite, included commander, and they destroy both Saracen swordsmen on contact.

Two elephant battle groups charge. One leaves his supporting bowmen behind. The dice were favorable to the Sicilians, as they win 3 and lose 1 of the battles.
Frederick's knights also withstand the elephantry. The XX was from LI CB that stood before the elephant, but was destroyed.
Indian archery still proves excellent.

This game is going to go quick.

At the bottom of the 2nd, the Sicilians are at 13 of 23. The Indians are at 5.

Venue Eye Candy:

An old bronze cannon.
An iron bombard
A pre-WWI seaplane
A closeup of the Royal Barge.

Turn 3:

Darryl tries to rally his only remaining unit
The knights on foot begin their work in earnest, routing 3 units while losing one. One troop is on the flank of a Hindu commander.

Jorge <sneeze>

Phil, "Bless you"

Jorge <sneeze>

Phil, "I have a limit to the number of blesses I can give, I'm protestant."

Jorge, "That's ok, I'm catholic, and have all the blessings I need."

Frederick's knights rout a Hindu swordsmen, and turn the flank of a Hindu commander.

One Saracen Light horse is ordered closer to the main battle
Hindu cavalry charge into the Darryl's main battle line.

The dead elephant in red( a commander as it turns out) was killed honestly. The one in blue had conformed onto the knights, and took a hit. And was subsequently rampaged through by his commander.

3 elephants dead, I'm feeling pretty good.

Frederick's knights are under stress


The Hindu commander is trying to get his elephant that is far afield into the fray

Turn 4 and pretty exciting.

But I am still losing, the Sicilians are at 18 of 23

The Hindu are at just 14 of 25
One knight is down, but the one with the orange flag should be able to hold the flank
Darryl's knights are able to help Frederick's command.
Frederick's knights has routed another commander and his elephant
Without many command points for the Hindu, the Saracen light horse retires out of bow range.
The score tightens to 19 of 25 for the Hindu
To 19 for the Sicilians
The Hindu light horse advance into the field to support their bowman.

The orange flagged knights are routed. Light horse are now supporting the knights engaged with the Hindu bowmen. The +1 was enough to save the bowman from routing.
Rolling poorly, the other two Hindu commands have no orders to give.
I don't see in the camera where the Hindu's picked up 4 points, I see only 1.  But it was here the Sicilians hit 23
To the Hindu's 22.

What went wrong?

One thing that went wrong was I did not review the Hindu Indian list before the game. I have run Classical Indians and they are pretty much they were the same list. But there was at least one significant difference and it cost me the game. Classic Indian cavalry is crappy Medium Cav, Mediocre. These were Heavy Cav, included commander, Elite, Impetuous. My Saracen sword could fight the classical version, but were obliterated on contact by the other. Which lead to immediate flank attacks on my dismounted knights. 

I killed two of this commanders, If not for that immediate collapse of my micro command, and subsequent loss of at 3 points of dismounted knights, the rest of his army was leaderless with unmaneuverable troops. The win would have been mine.

As it was, the final score was 23 to 22.