A Headless Body Production
Venue: Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center
Event: The Warrior NICT Tournament at Historicon
Players: Phil Gardocki, running Anglo-Irish
Rick Parish running Midianite Arabs
Game System: Warrior, 1600 points
Theme: Open, all lists, all mods.
The Forces:
The Anglo Irish
CIC, "Larry", with half HK,L,SH, half HC,L,SH
Ally, "Darryl", with half HK,L,SH, half HC,L,SH
2 units of knights, with half HK,L,SH, half HC,L,SH
Galloglaich Clans Jordan and Ramsay, with 16 HI,2HCW,JLS,D and 16 MI, HI,2HCW,JLS,D
Bonnachts 12 LMI,JLS,2HCW,SH and 24 LMI, JLS,SH
3 units of Longbowmen, 8 Reg'D' HI,LB,SH and 8 Reg'D' MI,LB
Kern Ramsay and Jordan, light infantry, half sling, half javelin, all shield.
1 unit of Bowmen, half sh, all bow
Light Horse, 8 LC, JLS, SH
2 Bombards
9 units of 18 Irreg 'C' Mcml, 2 with bow and a fair amount of Light Infantry.
Historicon. The biggest show in miniatures in the USA. I feel like a tourist just walking through the place.
The Hidden River leads to a mysterious temple. |
The Board:
To the right of the Anglo-Irish, is a steep hill. Which at first is tempting to try to hold, but later I decided it would be a death trap. The Midianites do not have to take the hill, they can just shoot everyone on the hill to exhaustion. The rest of the board is fairly barren, save some brush and a gentle hill.
This is probably the army I fear the most. |
I know they are just Medium Camels, and 'C' class morale, but the
ability to shoot a unit tired, disordered and waver check in one bound
is enormous. |
That, and at 6 points a camel, they just keep going, and going... |
On my side of the board, I go about half way. Anchoring it to the back edge with 36 man unit in shield-wall. |
The middle is Galloglaich and Longbow. Supported by Light Infantry. |
And maybe, just maybe, he'll be intimidated by the bombards. On the
hill is Kern Jordan. A sacrifice to prevent an early lineup on the main
line. |
Bound 1:
On the left, the camels march and approach in an orderly fashion. |
The forward deployed Kern Ramsay forced an early drop from march. |
This is the first time I used Light Infantry B, Sh as well. I am grateful for them now. |
And still the camels keep going and going. |
Bound 2:
Scott asked me if I had a strategy and I said "I have no idea." But that wasn't true. I wasn't going to announce it to my opponent. My strategy was to get the Midianites to shoot their arrows and take the hits, distributing them to my lights as much as possible. Then expose my knights to run them down. With 4 knight units, this seems reasonable. I am vulnerable to missile fire everywhere. But most of my army has a missile as well, and he is just as vulnerable.
The Midianites are cautious in their advance. |
The Bombard is actually getting shots in, but against an 18 man unit, it is not very effective. 8 at a 4 for 24. |
Kern Jordan has done their job. Their only other mission is to suck up bow fire and get off the board. |
Bound 3:
Larry waves his banner. Passing attack orders to all within site. This will take effect next bound.
Arial shot from the Irish right flank. |
The Midianites continue to advance, but very slowly. |
Kern Ramsay was shot last bound and recalled, but will ready to return to duty next bound. |
The Bowmen have yet to be mauled by an arrow storm. |
Bombards continue their long range shots. |
On the hill, Kern Jordan takes 2 CPF and recalls. |
Bound 4:
Later than expected, but the arrow storm begins. Up 2 for 108! |
Now it is the Light Infantry Bowmen's turn for a devastating hit. |
Just a bit of shifting units here. |
The Midianite camel on the far right has fired 4 times. Time to release the Cavalry and Knights to go get it. |
Midianite Javelinmen charge. In an unusual situation, the Longbow get a behind the flank support shot. But alas, down 3 for a total of 3. The Kerns stand their ground, and rolled average, and are forced to break off, which they do, all the way off the board. |
The skies darken around Clan Ramsay, facing 58 bows and slings at a 3 and 4. Enough for 4 cpf and a waver. The Midianites roll a down 3! and only do 58 for 1 cpf. |
Now it is the Midianites turn, as Irish Light Horse routs a Midianite Light Infantry. |
For some reason, the Midianites gave the Bonnachts time to rally from disorder. Now that it has, it is advancing to javelin range. Which is not much as they are shooting tired. |
Another exchange of darts, bows, and slings. The Galloglaich Clan Ramsay survives undisordered, and passes it's waver check. All sides are shooting tired now. |
Clan Jordan still has a number of untired shots in it, but only lights to shoot at. |
The bombards take turn off for shooting. Darryl, the Ally General is setting up an opportunity to advance and charge a camel that has 3 hits on it. It looks like the Irish Light Horse will get get a cascade of converted charges that should clear out the flank of screening light infantry. |
But it is not to be. The clock is about to run out, and it looks like this will be the final position. |
A final shot from the edge. |
This game ended in a 1-1 tie. Both players playing a very conservative game here. Neither of us took many chances. The Midianites have the ability to do great damage in a short period of time, but since they are all 'C' morale, they do not take wavers well. The Anglo-Irish, being foot troops, do not suffer a failed morale check either. While about half the army is 'B's, a fair amount of the army is 'C's and even 3 units of 'D's.
The result is neither of us secured an advantage, and lower standings on the list.
You play any 10mm stuff? I am in the process of building some roman and carthaginians and looking for someone to get a game against.